Don't Wait: Signs That It Might Be Time For Cataract Surgery


If you haven't had your vision checked in a few years, you might need more than a new prescription for your glasses. You might actually be at risk for needing cataract surgery. You might not realise this, but cataracts don't happen overnight. Cataracts actually develop slowly, and usually without any symptoms in the beginning stages. However, as the cataracts get worse, you might begin to notice some changes in the way you see things.

25 October 2021

Why Diabetics Should Pay More Attention to Their Eye Care


Diabetes is one of the most common chronic conditions in Australia, with close to two million people suffering from various types of the disease. While many people know about the risks diabetes brings to your overall health, not many know that diabetes can also be very dangerous for your eyesight. That is why those who have diabetes are required to take a much more proactive eye care stance than those of almost any other group.

15 March 2021